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Rouse Frets White Goss Gentile Rhodes rezoning approval secured for Overland Park projects

By March 26, 2019September 30th, 2019Client Results

Leawood, Kan. – March 26, 2019 – The Overland Park City Council recently voted to green light a rezoning approval presented by Rouse Frets White Goss Gentile Rhodes’ attorney Aaron March on behalf of client Blue Tiger Properties.

The rezoning, touted by one Council member as being built by the “Michelangelo of storage facilities,” will contain a 157,000 square foot four-story indoor self-storage facility and a 16,000 square foot two-story medical office building. Construction will commence in the fall, and Phase I is set to be complete within a year.

About the Firm’s Land Use and Zoning Practice:

Rouse Frets White Goss Gentile Rhodes attorneys have represented clients in the development of many high profile and successful commercial, industrial, residential and mixed-use projects. A number of the Firm’s land use and zoning attorneys have held public offices and local government positions bringing a unique and clear perspective about the intricate workings of state and local governments. Clients turn to the Firm’s attorneys when their projects require a creative, effective, and aggressive approach to real estate, land use and zoning approvals while taking advantage of available economic development incentives.

About the firm:

Rouse Frets White Goss Gentile Rhodes, P.C. serves and protects individuals, companies, estates and livelihoods. Based in Kansas City, the firm offers sophisticated representation for local, regional and national clients in both the private and public sectors. For more information, visit