Heavy Truck Crashworthiness
When most people think of “heavy trucks” or “semi trucks,” they think big, tough and strong. Unfortunately, those terms often do not apply to the components of these trucks that are supposed to protect the occupants of those trucks, including those hard-working men and women actually driving them. Relative to the size and weight of these heavy trucks, the cabs of these trucks are often weaker than passenger cars. Government regulation of the manufacturers of these heavy trucks is weak, and in some instances, nonexistent. Safety innovation in heavy trucks typically lags decades behind improvements to passenger cars.
At the law firm we are routinely asked to investigate claims on behalf of truck drivers and their families for injuries and deaths suffered because of defects in the cab structures of these heavy trucks. If, after careful evaluation and analysis by highly qualified experts, we conclude that the manufacturer of a heavy truck is to blame for the damages to our client, we are prepared to hold that manufacturer accountable for its actions.
Some examples of the kinds of cases we have handled include post-collision fuel-fed fires (when the truck catches fire following a collision), roof crush claims (where the roof itself actually crushes in and injures or kills the occupants), seat belt claims (where the seat belt failed to perform as intended), and various other claims pertaining to the lack of appropriate safety equipment (including the lack of stability control).
If you or a loved one has been injured while operating a heavy truck, contact our attorneys in Kansas City, Missouri, today.